Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The ZGXP (Part 9 - Catching Up)

It's been a busy month, and my blogging appears to have suffered for it. Whoops. On the bright side, I got a lot of pretty cool stuff accomplished since last we met. In addition to completing my final course at Full Sail, I also continued work at ZeeGee Games.

I had my first professional title ship last week, so hooray for that! The Priest ZeeGee Reader app is now live! Check it out if you've got an iPhone or iPad. The app itself is free and comes bundled with the first issue of the new Priest: Purgatory manga. The first issue of the original Priest: Genesis comic is also available as a free download, and the other issues are $0.99. Working with Tokyopop on this has been great, and I'm really excited about all the marketing they're doing for the new Purgatory issues and the upcoming Priest movie.

Additionally, I gave my internship midterm presentation to a group of Full Sail faculty last Friday. It was basically just letting them know what it is I do over at ZeeGee, and by all accounts it went well.

I should have another couple iPhone apps for our comic reader shipping in the next week or two, so I'll keep you posted on that. With those projects winding down, I'm moving on to bigger and better things. I've been doing some pre-production design work on a new game and I'm taking a more active production role on our internal project. It's a very exciting time at ZeeGee and big things will be happening in the coming months. I'm looking forward to guiding these projects toward success and can't wait to see what we can accomplish with them. I'll keep better tabs on the blogging and let you know how things are going next week!

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